
This 400-page comprehensive dictionary-encyclopedia combination unpacks more than 5 000 terms, concepts, jargon, expressions and uniquely South African words, and contains more than 900 acronyms and abbreviations. The book covers all aspects of the travel and tourism industry with useful entries pertaining to hospitality, transport, attractions, tourism services, the travel trade and sustainability.This is a useful resource for information on South African tourism organizations, associations, authorities and other stakeholders. It features our National Parks, Botanical Gardens, World Heritage Sites and even festivals and events. Explaining technology concepts and technological jargon in a simple understandable way helps even the most novice user to master “new” generation tourism terminology and concepts.

About the Author

In 2005, Elsabé was one of 10 Tourism teachers in South Africa to receive the prestigious “American Express Fellows Award”, awarded by the American Express Foundation in New York, for excellence in Tourism Education. She has co-authored three Tourism textbooks for South African high schools and presented a Tourism learner sup-port program on national television (SABC 1). Elsabé worked for the (former) Southern Sun Hotel group, Avis and Budget Car rental and was owner/manager of a successful coffee shop. She is currently the National Director of a NPO, the Global Travel & Tourism Partnership, an education-business alliance working with tourism teacher training and learner awareness in South Africa.



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